I’m overthinking a tagline for the current, soon-to-be version of Gwendolyn Kelly dot com.
What I’ll most likely do is “pick” multiple and then have them rotate with javascript. I have so many plans for once I know javascript.
Today, I’m really liking, “… a 3rd space for (over)thinking, menopausal, introverts”.
It’s funny how much the commas matter. I don’t want to overthink menopausal introverts. I am an overthinking menopausal introvert.
What Kind of Place will this be?
Third space or place meaning not home, the first space, and not work, the second space. Now maybe 1/3rd space might fit since there’s a lot of home and work being the same place.
The kind of place where you have deep conversation or where you do deep thinking. A place for journals and thick books and maybe some art making or crafting.
At any rate, I’m going to wander off and explore the Third Space Network.