FortuneTeller Art Show Redux

FortuneTeller: Meditations on how you/we decide/determine y/our future/fate was displayed at Spalding University’s Huff Gallery from February 22 – March 28, 2009 and consisted of fiber collages, prints, and “games of life”.

The artwork came out of my experience with years of volunteering …

Artwork Titles

  1. A World of Pilgrims
  2. Querent (companion to FortuneTeller)
  3. Walking Meditation
  4. ?
  5. 64 Consciousness Gardens
  6. FortuneTeller
  7. ReFound
  8. 6400 Enlightenment Lane
  9. Grid Analysis #1
  10. Convince Children
  11. Take a Cookie, Leave a copout/Excuse
  12. Prescriptions for What Ails the Children of Eve/Lilith

Mixed-Media Fiber Collages

Retrospective Work


39″ wide x 39″ height

Fiber collage with mardi gras beads, stamping, bells, hand and machine stitching

The orientation of this piece is flexible. Notice how it is shown in the gallery image.

Detail – Cosmic Twins: Knowledge, Belief/Truth

Mixed media fabric collage

Detail – Cosmic Twins: Knowledge, Belief/Truth

Grid Analysis



fabric collage with stitching and embellishment