What are you doing? What am I doing?

July 2022 What are you doing? Are we doing the same thing?

Often when I’m on social media I wonder, “why do people bother posting? Who cares what
someone else is doing?”

Obviously, I do. Plus, millions of other people must be interested in what strangers and acquaintances are up to. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as “social media”.

We enjoy sharing their adventures in everyday life.

Why? One reason I imagine is to find others to have a shared experience with – even if that
experience is asynchronous. Plus, there might be some intersections. You might find out about some special tool or book or convention related to something you’re interested in by connecting to
others who watch, read, listen to, or make something that you also engage in.

Anyway, …

Here’s 10+ things I’m currently experiencing …

1. watching – The Extraordinary Attorney Woo on Netflix. It’s in Korean so I’m listening while
reading the subtitles. Maybe, at the end of the series I’ll amazingly be able to speak or at least
understand some Korean. Yes, | often indulge in #magical_thinking

2. Reading (fiction) – The Three Pines, Gamache series by Louise Penny. I’m currently on #12, A
Great Reckoning. I’ve been reading the series in a combination of hardcopies purchased from
various places and Louisville Free Public Library @LFPL downloads on my kindle.

3. Reading (nonfiction) – actually re-reading two books by @ToddHenry, The Accidental
Creative and Louder than Words.

4. MakingThe Little Loomhouse in Louisville, Ky is having an exhibition called Intersections
opening September 3. I’m finishing a mixed-media fiber piece titled, Moments. I write a bit about the making of that piece here.

5. Planning – I need to start planning a family cross-country @amtrak train ride to visit my
daughter in the Bay area.

6. (over) Thinking – What’s next for my life in general?

7. Disappointed – Synchrony Bank and Amazon (by default) really screwed me over and let me
down this week.

8. Cooking – I want to cook some kimbap (or gimbap). They are Korean seaweed rice rolls that
look like Japanese sushi but differ in their ingredients and flavor profile. I’ve never had any but
Attorney Woo swears by them and | often take advice from fictional characters.

9. Flummoxed by – menopause and my hormones! Hot flashes are crazy.

10. Enjoying @ship30for30. They are providing me with focus, information, and community. I
need that and appreciate Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush for holding the space.

Bonus: Behind on :-0 my novel project! I really have to find my way to untangle all the parts of
novel writing – worldbuilding, character development, plotting, OMG!

Anyway, that’s my life. What are you doing? Let me know, what you’re experiencing in any of these 11 areas.

I’m excited to regularly start sharing what I know and learn online. Sign up for my monthly e-newsletter to stay connected.