How to write a personal essay. I’ve goggled that before. I got a lot of advice. Some of the advice was obvious. Some of it was easy to follow – like “take notes about your life“. Most of it just made me tired.
I love the idea of a manifesto. That’s one way to at least start an essay. Anyway, the following wo/manifesto explains how I WANT to write. I’m not there yet. I feel like there was a time when I was there or much closer. And then … ?
How to write a personal essay. Gwen’s Answer
Write Willfully.
What do you believe to be true in the moment? Write that.
Spew it. Write to realize your potential.
What do you need to unleash?
Let it out!
How should you write?
Write instinctively.
How do you need to write in order to get your thoughts out of your head and expose them to the world?
Find out.
Write to Kindred.
What open letters does your perfect, understanding world need to receive?
Share possibilities about how to write a personal essay.
Write to exhaustion. (Well maybe not – or if you do write to exhaustion don’t do it too often and take the time to recover afterwards.)
Can you imagine your life unburdened of heavy, unexpressed notions? Try it. Imagine your life unburdened of heavy, unexpressed notions. Write what that feels like.
Elevate conversations.
Write to explore.
Share the meaning of life as you know it! Start today. Start now. Start this moment.
Your turn. Let me know you views on how to write a personal essay.